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Interesting Facts From The Animal Kingdom

Here are some interesting facts from the animal kingdom

1. A Koala usually sleeps about 20-22 hours a day.

2. The Peregrine Falcon is world's fastest flier, capable of reaching speeds in excess of 300 Km/hr.

3. Dwarf Pygmy Goby, is the lightest freshwater fish, weighing only about 5mg.

4. The Black Mamba is the world's deadliest snake. It is also one of the fastest snakes in the animal kingdom.

5. Bats are the only mammal specie that can fly.

6. The blood pressure of a Giraffe is the highest of all animals.

7. Reebok is actually a specie of Antelope, commonly found in Africa.

8. No two Tigers have the same pattern of stripes.

9. The Komodo Dragon is the largest living specie of lizard on earth, growing up to a length of 3 meters.

10. Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog found on this planet.


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